Portal problems

Portal problems

We have had various reports over the last two weeks or so of landlords having trouble accessing the portal.


If you are already registered as a portal user – before you use the adjustment method shown above – please see this advice from one of my technical / IT colleagues.

“The portal is actually working normally and there have been no interruptions to this. However, we have found that problems have occurred where users have tried to access the portal using versions of Internet Explorer that are slightly out-of-date and therefore incompatible with the portal.


Using the portal needs at a minimum – Internet Explorer 11. Upgrading your computer to meet these requirements is straightforward but the process you follow to upgrade will depend on what operating system your computer uses (e.g. Windows, 7, Vista etc).


You can find simple step-by-step instructions about how to make the updates for any operating system online with a quick google search, or if your organisation is large enough to have an IT specialist officer or team, they should be able to give you’re the appropriate advice.”

If you have tried the above and still have problems getting into the portal – please take a screen-shot of wherever the problem occurs and email it to me oliver_wright@sandwell.gov.uk and we will try and investigate from there.


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